Today I am happy to announce the launch of video content for on YouTube. I have yet to speak in depth about networking and there is no better way to start then with my first video!
Here are the 5 mindsets that will get you networking results:
1. Network with intent
It’s imperative to know what you want when you reach out to someone. So many people that have reach out to me via Facebook or LinkedIn simply did not have a clear idea of their intent and it showed in their message. Make sure you have a goal in mind be it to ask to be put in touch with another connection, asking questions about their career path and education or to set up a meeting to discuss a business proposal.
2. You already know the right people to network
You might think that only a select few people have the right connections to network effectively and get their dream job. This is not so. Regardless of where you are or how big your network is, you already know the right people. You might not believe that, but you do. To connect with the right people, you need to think outside the box when it comes to your network. It could be a member of your family, an acquaintance on your hockey team or perhaps a former manager. Think outside box when it comes to your network and you will have the right people for networking.
3. Networking is not a personality, it’s a skill
Many people, especially Introverts, write off their abilities to network. There is a misconception that networking is a personality trait. In reality, networking is like many other things, be it learning how to drive or play tennis. It is a skill that you get better at if you put in the time and practice by getting out there and meet people. It might be uncomfortable at first (or maybe always to some degree!) but choose to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Dance with the situation and watch yourself flourish.
4. Be active on social media
In the internet age, there is no excuse for not being active on social media when networking. While some choose to default to just LinkedIn, networking doesn’t stop there. Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter are also mediums to showcase yourself and connect with others to land your dream job.
5. Follow up is where the relationship begins
A great relationship is not built overnight, and certainly not in one meeting. The follow up you do after the meeting is where the relationship begins. Make sure you tell your new found connection how grateful you were for their time and what you learned from the meeting. Two weeks down the line you can continue fostering a relationship by sending them a relevant article in their field of work to continue the conversation.
I hope you enjoyed my video as much as I did making it!
What mindsets do you see as being fundamental to great networking? Comment below!